Abdominal acupuncture is a new powerful microsystem acupuncture.
In ancient times, the abdomen was used exclusively for diagnosis. Today the abdomen is used to treat the entire body. Acupuncture performed on the abdomen was developed over the last 15 years and is becoming very popular. This new technique, involves placing needles into acupuncture points on the abdomen related to the spinal region.

Ear, hand, and abdominal acupuncture work on the same theory that the abdomen and navel area has points related to the entire body. By stimulating special points on the meridians on the abdomen, using traditional meridian systems, provides immediate relief to the patient.

The aim is to harmonize, adjust, and rebalance the body and mind. This increases energy and blood flow allowing the body to become harmonized. Since energy flows of the entire body are focused in the navel area, all parts of the body can be treated by this technique. It is particularly powerful tool in treating chronic long-term diseases and problems that result in joint and muscle pain.

Since the needles are superficially placed, and much shallower than conventional acupuncture, they are are painless to the patient. Stiff necks, spinal, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical problems, shoulder pain, tendinitis, rheumatoid arthritis have all been helped with abdominal acupuncture. It is frequently used to treat strokes, senile dementia, high blood pressure, and cerebellum problems in conjunction with scalp, ear, and traditional acupuncture.

Anxiety, depression, headaches, dizziness, arthritis, cataracts, glaucoma, and Parkinsonism and diabetic neuropathy are also helped with abdominal acupuncture.
It is particularly indicated in patients who are weak, sensitive to acupuncture, as the very young and the very elderly. This procedure is contraindicated in pregnancy, abdominal infections, and enlargement any abdominal organs, especially the spleen and liver.

Initially, the Chinese inventor, Bo, treated a patient with low back pain and sciatica by applying needles to Ren 6 and Ren 4, and the patient’s pain disappeared in five minutes.

The system was formerly introduced in 1992, and called The BMAA system. The first symposium in China on the BMAA system took place in 2007. This system is present in fetal and embryonic development. In the case of ear acupuncture, by Nogier, an inverted fetus is depicted. In abdominal acupuncture, at the superficial level, the image is one of a turtle, (which in Chinese literature is associated with the human abdomen). The turtle is centered at the navel, and the head lies high on the epigastrium.

The system is two dimensional, with its center line treating both the conception and governing vessels. ( For example, the kidney and bladder channels can be treated simultaneously.) Each area of the turtle’s body reflects a different channel.

Dr. Bo calls this system the Shen Que. (CV8), which is the term for a umbilical acupressure point. He believes that this is a prenatal or congenital channel system. The energy transported from the mother’s blood to the fetus during pregnancy into the fetal organs and gradually disintegrates after birth.

Abdominal Meridian points are located in the middle layer of the belly,. These channels includes abdominal acupuncture points as well as extraordinary points, with bands of points radiating from CV8. It is called the miraculous tortoise, because its shape looks like a turtle.

The superficial level, or sky level, is the most commonly used, and is usually combined with conventional acupuncture. This level is subcutaneous between the skin and the fatty tissues. Musculoskeletal points are found very close to the surface of the abdominal wall, just penetrating the skin. Needling this area results in instantaneous flow of Chi and blood to the whole body. By contrast, the traditional 14 channel postnatal system is deeper in the fat tissue.

By deeper needling into the fat and muscle layers of the belly, the Zhang fu viscera (liver,spleen,kidney) can be harmonized. . Dr. Bo labels this a second system, the Zhang fu system.

Rather than needling distal points on the extremities to get visceral action, this method eliminates the possibility of blocked pathways and the need of protracted manipulation and additional needling to release these blocks.

This system combines needling the prenatal channel system (Heaven level), the postnatal system and the extraordinary vessels on the belly (Humanity level), and the Zhang Fu organ system (Earth level). Needles are inserted from top to bottom, deep to shallow, inside to outside. The system has more than 20 pattern-based standardize .formulas for most diseases. By using very small needles just under the skin with light manipulations, inserted, the procedure is virtually painless.

For neck problems with cervical compression and numbness in the hands, CV12 and 4 are used to generate Qi from the spleen and kidney (these govern bones and muscles). The muscles of the neck are relaxed, and the upper extremities are energized by treating K17 and 18, and St24 bilaterally. Ren points Ab1 and Ab2 are used on the affected side to relieve numbness of the hands.

Dr Rangkuti discovered six acupuncture micro-areas directly connected to the brain. Treating these areas, stimulates the neuro-transmitters between abdominal organs and the brain.

Each micro system relates differently to the enteric and limbic systems. Stimulating the enteric nervous system makes contact with the 12 cranial nerves.


The turtle’s head is centered at Ren 12, with its ears on the kidney channel just the lateral to Ren 12. The neck and throat is on a line between Ren 11 and Ren 10. The edge of the abdomen is at ST 25, and the shoulders are at ST24. The elbow is situated above the shoulder 0.5 cun laterally. The wrist is just inferior to the elbow and lateral 0,5 cun. The upper limb forms an inverted V. The hand is represented as a fist just beyond the wrist with the thumb up.

The lower portion of L1 is at Ren 6, the coccyx is at Ren 3, and the hip at ST26.
The knee is 0.5 cun lateral and inferior to the hip. Another knee point is halfway between Ren 6 and the primary one. All three points lie on the same horizontal line. The ankle is lateral to the knee and 0.5 cun inferior. The foot is just beyond this, with the toes 45° inferior and medial to the foot.

The diamond treatment, is the first needling protocol area, with Ren12 ,Ren 6, and Ren 4, combined with ST 25 bilaterally. This improves the circulation of the abdomen and enhances all subsequent needle points that will be treated.

The second step in treatment,( called the four gates), involves bilaterally needling of ST24 and ST26. This promotes a circulation of Qi throughout the body, as a conventional acupuncture involving LI4 and LIV 3.

If the upper limb is affected, the first needling is to the shoulder point. If the lower limb is involved, the first point placed is at the hip area. This is then followed by direct acupuncture to the direct pain site to be needled.

Often conventional acupuncture treatment at ST36, SP6, and Li 11 are treated along with abdominal acupuncture. Other points used are: GB39, GB30, St41, Li(4, 11,and 15), and SI 5.

Abdominal acupuncture is a powerful microsystem similar to that of scalp and ear acupuncture. Despite quick dramatic effects, these effects are often not sustained. Because of this, abdominal acupuncture is usually combined with conventional acupuncture, as well as scalp, hand, and ear acupuncture resulting in quicker resolution of pain.
